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Quashnet Health Office

A registered nurse is available throughout the regular school day hours. Below are guidelines to promote the health and safety of all students.

  • Student Emergency Data Forms need to be at school with the most current information.
  • Whenever possible, medications should be administered at home. The school nurse should be contacted before medication is brought to school and only adults may deliver medication to the school.
  • Students may be excluded from school if required immunizations are incomplete.
  • State mandated screenings are done at grade levels determined by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
  • Specialized nursing procedures to be performed during the school day require a written order by the licensed prescriber.
  • Health resources and referral information is available.

*Do not send your child to school if he/she has any of the following conditions: Fever, Persistent Cough-Wheezing, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Weakness-Shakiness, Untreated Conjunctivitis or Strep Throat, or Suspected Chicken Pox.


The school nurse's role and responsibilities are directed at supporting the health, safety and well being of the population by addressing the physical, emotional and social needs of the school community. Supporting the belief that a state of optimal health of the individual maximizes their potential to learn, the school nurse incorporates a body of health care concepts and practices that promote wellness and a healthy lifestyle for the population. 

Insurance Coverage is now available for every child in Massachusetts up to the age of 19. If you or your children do not have primary care health insurance and want more information, call your school nurse or MA Health (800) 841-2900 or for students up to age 19 call Children's Medical Security Plan at (800) 909-2677. Accident insurance can be purchased through the schools at a very reasonable cost.

School Nurse

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